Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

We really like the way Hackers & Designers have handled their Code of Conduct, so we took the liberty of quoting them and specify the terms for our needs. Reference can be found HERE

Why a Code of Conduct for the Area for Virtual Art?

We are committed to provide an environment of mutual respect that is safe and welcoming for all participants.
We hope this document can serve as a guideline for communication and collaboration. If you have suggestions, please let us know.

Positivity rules

  • Respect everyone’s rythm of learning.
  • We celebrate different set of skills, disciplinary and educational backgrounds. Learn from each other and embrace the fact that you might learn something else than you expected.
  • Experimentation: We like to nourish a space for experimentation and collaboration, so manage your expectations accordingly!
  • Introductions and pronouns: When introducing yourself, please also indicate your preferred pronouns. It’s a good idea to add your preferred pronouns after your avatar name on mozilla hubs (e.g. “Margarita she/her”) for easy reference.

Unacceptable abusive behaviour

  • Hatefulness in any form is not tolerated. There is no space for racism, sexism, queer/transphobia, agism, ableism, classism here.
  • No exclusionary social behaviors in the form of well-actually’s, feigned surprise, backseat driving and subtle-isms.
  • No trolling, no harassment of any kind
  • No bullying, no making fun of

Reporting & Intervening

  • If you feel unsafe: make yourself heard and address people’s behavior if you feel like you can. (E.g. “there’s subtle sexism in that comment, it equates being a woman with being ignorant”)
  • If someone calls you out on something: listen, pause, apologize and thank them for pointing them out. Take responsibility to educate yourself first if you weren’t aware and are hearing something new (borrowed from Recurse and Feminist Club Amsterdam)
  • In case of harassment, abusive behavior, or if there’s something else you don’t feel comfortable addressing yourself: contact our team via
  • If we receive a report about abusive behaviour we will take adequate actions.


* Hackers & Designers Code of Conduct: LINK
* Feminist Club Amsterdam: LINK