Opening of Culture and Sustainability. A Creative Exchange in Europe (Foundation Genshagen)
15.10.2020, 14:00
How do the arts, cultural and cultural education actors in Europe address matters of sustainability? What do they contribute to the discourse on sustainability? How do the arts and culture industry understand their own responsibility for sustainable development? What is this role of cultural education? To what extent can EU and national cultural policymaking enable, guide and promote sustainable development?
On the web platform “Culture and Sustainability” ( you can listen to discussions, meet artists in a virtual 3D hub gallery and find various contributions to the reflection on sustainability in the media library.
The discussion will be interpreted German-English
Opening remarks: Dr. Angelika Eder, Managing Director, Genshagen Foundation
Introduction: Prof. Sabine Kunst, President of the Humboldt University of Berlin
Prof. Christoph Schneider, Institute of Geography Humboldt University Berlin
Prof. Szymon Malinowski, Geophysicist at the University of Warsaw
Dr. Frank Raddatz, director of the Theater of the Anthropocene,
Moderation: Dr. Tanja Busse
Video: Play of the Theater of the Anthropocene “Requiem for a Forest